Ask an Alim

The Alims are available to answer any religious questions or queries you may have.

Please ensure you search the existing questions before submitting a new question as it may have been answered already.

The following questions will not be answered:

  • Interpretation of dreams
  • Meaning of names
  • Relationship problems of any form (e.g. mother in law, husband, extended family etc.)
  • Black magic, planted taweez etc.
  • Opinions / judgements on another individual, organization or group in respect to their beliefs
  • Halal status of produced food and drinks (as this can change frequently)

We offers a confidential counselling service with a qualified Alim and expert in Sharia law. Please contact us to book an appointment as personal questions often requires in-depth analysis and discussion.

Note:- The Alims are available to answer any religious questions or queries you may have.
To join our group on whatsapp add our number +9203072423484.

Or click here to join whatsapp group.

JazakAllah Khair.