We provide courses for adults of all ages whether they are complete beginner, have some prior knowledge or possess advanced reading skills.
Beginner courses
Beginners courses cover core areas including:
- arabic alphabet and proper pronounciation of each letter
- vowels
- how letters are joined to form words
- basic tajweed rules
- Students then progress onto intermediate and advanced tajweed rules and word formation
Once complete, all students progress onto Quran lessons during which they listen to recitation by tutor sentence by sentence and repeat the same verses back to the tutor. Using this method, students can see how tajweed rules are applied in each verse as well as learning how to pronounce the verses.
Intermediate courses
These courses are primarily for anyone wishing to reinforce their prior knowledge. Tutors can assess their requirements during trial lesson stage and recommend best route to achieve their desired goals.
Advance courses
These courses are conducted by hafiz tutors for anyone wishing to memorise the holy Quran, holy Quran translation or tafsir.
Surah memorisation
We help all students to memorise a number of surahs which can be recited during daily prayer. We are happy to answer any questions in regards how to performing daily prayers, wudu or any other subject matter.